Icinga2 Notifications

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E-Mail Benachrichtigung einrichten

  • Die meisten Dinge wurden hier schon durch das Icinga2-Team angelegt
  • Es werden daher auch keine Plugins, Command- und Notification-Definitionen mehr benötigt
  • Lediglich die E-Mail-Addresse an welche die Mails versandt werden sollen muss eingetragen werden

E-Mail-Addresse eintragen

  • vi /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/users.conf
* The example user 'icingaadmin' and the example
* group 'icingaadmins'.
object User "icingaadmin" {
import "generic-user"
display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin"
groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]
email = "tech@xinux.int"
object UserGroup "icingaadmins" {
display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin Group"

Benachrichtigungs-Intervalle einrichten

  • times.begin setzt hierbei eine Wartezeit bis die erste Benachrichtigung versandt wird
  • interval setzt die Zeiträume zwischen den Benachrichtigungsversuchen fest
  • falls das versenden von Nachrichten nach einem bestimmten Zeitraum enden soll kann auch noch ein times.end gesetzt werden
template Notification "mail-service-notification" {
  command = "mail-service-notification"

  states = [ OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown ]
  types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery, Custom,
            FlappingStart, FlappingEnd,
            DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, DowntimeRemoved ]

  interval = 15m
  times.begin = 30m

  vars += {
    // notification_icingaweb2url = "https://www.example.com/icingaweb2"
    // notification_from = "Icinga 2 Service Monitoring <icinga@example.com>"
    notification_logtosyslog = false

  period = "24x7"

Telegram-Benachrichtigung einrichten


  • Auf einem Smartphone installiertes und aktiviertes Telegram

Bot auf Smartphone einrichten



Chat-ID herraus finden

Unbedingt vorher dem Bot ein "Hallo" schicken, sonst erhält man im folgenden Schritt keinen Output!

  • Der folgende Teil, zwischen den Leerzeilen, aus dem oberen Output ist der wichtige



Chat-ID verrifizieren

Plugins herrunter laden und ins Verzeichnis kopieren

  • git clone https://github.com/lazyfrosch/icinga2-telegram.git
  • cd icinga2-telegram
  • mv telegram-host-notification.sh telegram-service-notification.sh /etc/icinga2/scripts
  • cd /etc/icinga2/scripts
  • chmod +x telegram-host-notification.sh telegram-service-notification.sh

command definieren

  • /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/commands.conf
object NotificationCommand "telegram-host-notification" {
  import "plugin-notification-command"

  command = [ SysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/telegram-host-notification.sh" ]

  env = {
    NOTIFICATIONTYPE = "$notification.type$"
    HOSTNAME = "$host.name$"
    HOSTALIAS = "$host.display_name$"
    HOSTADDRESS = "$address$"
    HOSTSTATE = "$host.state$"
    LONGDATETIME = "$icinga.long_date_time$"
    HOSTOUTPUT = "$host.output$"
    NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME = "$notification.author$"
    NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT = "$notification.comment$"
    HOSTDISPLAYNAME = "$host.display_name$"
    TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = "462071178:AAEfhUw7TMdGuFJjo4beRvQrpuWndNzPBD8"
    TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID = "$user.vars.telegram_chat_id$"

    // optional

object NotificationCommand "telegram-service-notification" {
  import "plugin-notification-command"

  command = [ SysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/telegram-service-notification.sh" ]

  env = {
    NOTIFICATIONTYPE = "$notification.type$"
    SERVICEDESC = "$service.name$"
    HOSTNAME = "$host.name$"
    HOSTALIAS = "$host.display_name$"
    HOSTADDRESS = "$address$"
    SERVICESTATE = "$service.state$"
    LONGDATETIME = "$icinga.long_date_time$"
    SERVICEOUTPUT = "$service.output$"
    NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME = "$notification.author$"
    NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT = "$notification.comment$"
    HOSTDISPLAYNAME = "$host.display_name$"
    SERVICEDISPLAYNAME = "$service.display_name$"
    TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = "462071178:AAEfhUw7TMdGuFJjo4beRvQrpuWndNzPBD8"
    TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID = "$user.vars.telegram_chat_id$"

    // optional

templates anlegen

  • vi /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/templates.conf
template Notification "telegram-host-notification" {
  command = "telegram-host-notification"

  states = [ Up, Down ]
  types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery, Custom,
            FlappingStart, FlappingEnd,
            DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, DowntimeRemoved ]

  interval = 30m
  times.begin = 60m

  vars += {
    // notification_icingaweb2url = "https://www.example.com/icingaweb2"
    // notification_from = "Icinga 2 Host Monitoring <icinga@example.com>"
    notification_logtosyslog = false

  period = "24x7"

 * Provides default settings for service notifications.
 * By convention all service notifications should import
 * this template.
template Notification "telegram-service-notification" {
  command = "telegram-service-notification"
  states = [ OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown ]
  types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery, Custom,
            FlappingStart, FlappingEnd,
            DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, DowntimeRemoved ]

  interval = 30m
  times.begin = 60m

  vars += {
    // notification_icingaweb2url = "https://www.example.com/icingaweb2"
    // notification_from = "Icinga 2 Service Monitoring <icinga@example.com>"
    notification_logtosyslog = false

  period = "24x7"

notifications anlegen

apply Notification "telegram-icingaadmin" to Host {
  import "telegram-host-notification"
  command = "telegram-host-notification"

  users = [ "icingaadmin" ]

  assign where host.vars.notification.telegram

apply Notification "telegram-icingaadmin" to Service {
  import "telegram-service-notification"
  command = "telegram-service-notification"

  users = [ "icingaadmin" ]

  assign where host.vars.notification.telegram

chat-id zu users.conf hinzufügen

 * The example user 'icingaadmin' and the example
 * group 'icingaadmins'.

object User "icingaadmin" {
  import "generic-user"

  display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin"
  groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]

  vars.telegram_chat_id = "-213374873"
  email = "tech@xinux.int"

  object UserGroup "icingaadmins" {
  display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin Group"

notification zu host-datei hinzufügen

  vars.notification["telegram"] = {
   groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]